Magic of Science Fair FAQ
I have a project idea, what do I do?!?
Tell us about your science fair idea in the online Magic of Science Fair Application. Be sure to read along with the submission instructions if you have questions as you fill out the form. If you have any questions that are not addressed, or are having trouble, please email mosf@apgdiscovery.com. Submissions are due by April 15, 2025.
When is my project due?
Your Magic of Science Fair Application is due by April 15, 2025, but your science fair project doesn’t have to be finished until you show up on May 17, 2025.
Speaking of which, where is the Magic of Science Fair and when do I show up?
If you have already filled out your Magic of Science Fair Application, you will receive logistics information via the email provided in that application. You will need to arrive between 8 and 9 a.m., on Saturday, May 17, 2025, at TU Northeastern Maryland located at 510 Thomas Run Road in Bel Air, to set up your project. We’ll be posting a map and directions to the exact location soon, so please check back.
What is the Magic of Science Fair and what is the Fair and Family Festival?
The Magic of Science Fair is an event hosted by the Discovery Center at Water’s Edge, and will be held in conjunction with the Magic of Science Fair and Family Festival, which is the same day but runs 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be activities for kids, exhibits, vendors, food, entertainment, and much more.
Is there a cost to entering a project in the Science Fair or for attending the Discovery Fest?
No, the Magic of Science Fair is free to enter and there is no admission fee for the Magic of Science Family Festival. Come one, come all for a day of family fun!
Will I win a prize for my science project?
Yes! Six VERY nice prizes will be awarded to each winner and runner up in grade 6, 7, and 8. Prizes will be listed as the Magic of Science Fair date approaches.
How long does the Magic of Science Fair last?
You’ll set up between 8 and 9 a.m. Then Science Fair judges will begin talking with you about your project around 9 a.m. They will judge your project based on the criteria found in the Submission Instructions. You’ll have lunch around noon and then an award ceremony with prize winners announced at 2 p.m. You’ll be free to visit exhibits at the Fair and Family Festival after lunch and before the awards ceremony.
How will my project be judged?
You can find the judging criteria in the student instructions found in the Submission Instructions.
How do I get to the Magic of Science Fair and Family Festival and where do I go?
The event will take place at Towson University Northeastern (TUNE) Maryland, located at 510 Thomas Run Road, Bel Air, Md., 21015. If you have filled out the Magic of Science Fair Application, logistics information will be sent via the email you provided. If you are coming for the Fair and Family Festival, head to the TUNE Maryland building at 510 Thomas Run Road, and signage will be available to make sure you know where to go. We will have an event map available as the day approaches and it will detail and direct you to all of the happenings at the Magic of Science Fair and Family Festival.