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APG’s 100th Anniversary Recognized in Annapolis

Maryland legislators recognized APG's 100th Anniversary with a proclamation on March 27, 2017, and a networking reception.
Maryland legislators recognized APG’s 100th Anniversary with a proclamation on March 27, 2017, and a networking reception.

APG senior leaders and tenant organizations  attended and supported a  State of Maryland recognition event for  the 100th anniversary of Aberdeen Proving Ground by proclamation at the State Capital building in Annapolis. The event was attended by more than 53 state House of Delegates members, 16 State Senators, the Secretary of Maryland Veterans Affairs and staff from the Office of the Governor. Federal Congressional staff from Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD, SAC), Representative C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger (D-MD-2, HAC-D, co-chair Army caucus) and Representative Andy Harris, (D-MD-1, HAC) attended. The event’s activities included a reading of the proclamation on both the State House and Senate floors and a social event highlighting and APG support to the operational force with key capability demonstrations, APG Centennial community partner and APG industry advocacy group displays. This event recognized  APG and its importance to both Harford and Cecil Counties and the State of Maryland and showcase the partnerships across the installation and within the community. The event was widely attended and State of Maryland legislative officials indicated appreciation of better understanding of critical Army readiness and National Security support that APG provides to our nation.  


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